Upcoming Seminar

At CHCC, we have been using the Biblical based book “How People Change”, to gain insight into our natural condition in a fallen world and how God is in the process of transforming us into proper image bearers of Himself in all situations of life.  It has been a great study.  I am excited to announce that there will be a Bible Conference featuring Dr. George C. Scipione of the RPTS Biblical Counseling Institute of Pgh. on November 7th and 8th.  This seminar will re-enforce what we have learned from God’s Word over the past several months, that we are in constant transformation and God’s Word addresses the “Heat” in our lives and our involvement in counseling of Christian brothers and sisters. The conference is being hosted by the First Baptist Church of Clarion, at the corner of Main and 7th streets in Clarion.  There is no charge for the Saturday evening seminar and dinner is included.  There is also a brunch being held earlier on Saturday for Pastors/Elders/Leaders. Check out the link below for further information and conference details.  I can’t encourage you enough, if you are in driving distance, to attend this seminar.  The church needs to get back to counseling one another through God’s Word.  Join us on November 7th and 8th. Fall Bible Conference – Are YOU Competent to Counsel?